I am a lovin' my Wii Fit baby!!!! I'm doing step aerobics everyday and that hula hoop thingy, chile please. The Dollface came over today after school and she is a pro at the hula hoop. She did some yoga poses on there and she was like this is kinda hard!!! I was laughing my head off when she was trying to dodge the soccer balls they were throwing at her in another one of the games. The players were throwing their cleats at her. HYSTERICAL!!!!!!!
Trying to stay away from the health club for at least two weeks til the New Year resolutioners have given up and gone on their way. *smh* You know that is gonna happen. Wii fit is cool. I got in really good workout today. Back on the sticker program as well. That is when I put a sticker on the wall calendar for everyday that I workout. So that gives me a sense of what I'm doing and is a reminder that hey I need to get my butt up and move. Five stickers so far ;-)
My mom must have told me no less than 10 times that she really had a good Christmas and that she could surely go back on The Oasis of The Seas again. I agree. We had a good time and that ship is the bizznesssss baby!!!
Talked to one of my blogging friends last night and she cracks me up. I hope I can meet her one day. I would love to go to Arizona, I've never been. Maybe one day.
Birds and fish dying all around us? What's up with that? I don't understand it at all.
My Troubled Soul will be home soon. Well outta the joint soon. He can not live here. I like living a drama free life but he will have his freedom and I'm happy. He's scared but only he can turn his life around. I stay on my knees praying for that boy!!
Can not believe it's Friday once again. Time is flying for real.
Love, love, love my Ipad I got for Christmas. I mean totally addicted to it. You can put a Kindle, Nook and all those other e-readers on it. Mom already read one of her favorites (J.D. Robb) on it. I think she has read every book in the Death series. Sounds morbid but it's Sci-fi-ish/Thriller/Suspensyish. Apple rocks man!!!
Da Mayors brother better not muck it up for us. President Obi is keeping his Chicago ties strong up in the White House and I loves it!!!
Dollface is experiencing what cliques are all about. She's on the outside looking in and it's hurtful to her :-( Why do they have to be so mean to my doll? I hate it when she's sad. She cried for two days because she wasn't invited to one of the cliques birthday parties. She says they don't like her and they talk about her. Breaks my freaking heart.
5th grade man, just UGH!!!! Heard it gets worse as they get older. UGH!!!!!! Hope she realizes they are soooooo not worth it but at age 10, I'm sure it doesn't seem that way.
I'm going to spoil her a little extra this weekend. She can be in my clique, LOL!!!
Happy New Year!!